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Top-Rated Folding Shovel Buying Guide & Review

A decent shovel is a must-have tool for enjoying the great outdoors. And there’s no shortage of ways it can be useful when gardening or on the road. Despite being handy, though, shovels are bulky tools.

Unless they fold easily. Let’s find out how to spot the best folding shovel.  If you want more details, be sure to visit

What Makes Folding Shovels So Convenient?

In a nutshell, a folding shovel is a compact version of a regular shovel. Designed with the needs of everyday carry in mind, folding shovels are portable and easy to take and use anywhere. And as long as their quality is top-of-the-line, they’re every bit as solid as standard shovels.

On top of that, an average modern folding shovel is much more than simply a shovel. Most folding shovels today double as saws and axes, making for amazingly versatile tools. As a result, a modern folding shovel not only lets you dig but also helps you saw, cut, and chop.

And for some people, a folding shovel is an especially good match.

Best Uses for a Folding Shovel 

The ways to put a decent folding shovel to good use abound. For some applications, though, a folding shovel works like a real charm.

They include:

As you see, folding shovels lend themselves to many uses. Because of that, they abound on the market.

Let’s find out how to pick the best one for your needs.

Things All Decent Folding Shovels Have in Common

To make sure a folding shovel serves you well, look for these key features:

Many folding shovels meet these criteria with ease. Yet, if you’re after something more sophisticated, there’s more to think about.

More Features a Decent Folding Shovel Must Have

Besides what we’ve mentioned before, top-of-the-range folding shovels are also:

Folding shovels with these features are the best. Below, you’ll find a few examples to explore.

Some of the Best Folding Shovels to Check Out

These folding shovels are all nice options to look into:


How Do You Maintain Folding Shovels?

Just like any regular shovel out there, a folding shovel requires regular sharpening and occasional treatment from corrosion.

What If a Folding Shovel Jams?

Keep the hinging mechanism free of rust and oil it every now and then for it to work without jamming.

Next: Four Crucial Tips to Selling Your Special Collection
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