5 Warning Signs a Senior Loved One Should Not be Living Alone

Bringing up the subject that a senior loved one should consider moving into a residential care facility is a difficult conversation to have. However, in some situations, this is the only way to keep that person both healthy and safe.

To ensure that it is time to have this difficult conversation, it’s important to get to know the signs they should no longer be living alone. Keep reading to learn what these signs are.

  1. A Sudden Drop in Weight

Does a senior love one need assisted living? One thing to pay attention to when answering this question is their weight.

If a family member notices a senior loved one has begun to look thinner than usual, it may be a sign they aren’t eating properly. This could also be an indication of a cognitive illness.

Seniors who suffer from any type of memory impairment, like Alzheimer’s, can often forget to eat at certain times of the day, or how to prepare food. In a senior living community in Middlesex County, this kind of issue can be monitored and cared for, thus preventing a noticeable decline in their weight.

  1. There is a Lot of Unopened Mail in the Home

Another clear indication of cognitive impairment is if there is a lot of unopened mail in the home. Watch for unopened envelopes from charities or creditors.

This is another red flag they have lost the ability to function at home. Also, if this trend continues, the senior may find themselves financially drained.

  1. The Senior Ignores Personal Hygiene

If someone is suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, the ability to remember the steps of taking a shower isn’t always that easy. It can even be hard for them to understand why they need to take a shower.

When this happens, family members may begin to notice a decline in their personal hygiene. This applies to other basic hygiene too, such as brushing their teeth, hair, wearing deodorant, and more.

  1. The Senior Gets Lost in Places that Should be Familiar

Places a senior goes on a regular basis, such as a church, the bank, or the grocery store should be a routine route for any senior. If they are no longer able to find their way to these destinations, then it is a clear sign that something is wrong.

If family members are no longer about to trust their senior loved one’s ability to navigate to these places in town, then it is a clear sign they may need to consider assisted living. While Alzheimer’s can often be blamed for this, there are other memory problems they may suffer from, too.

  1. Significant Changes in the Senior’s Home

While a home that is cluttered isn’t always a bad sign, if a senior was usually neat and tidy, it could be an indication of a problem. Also, watch for items showing up in unusual places, such as the milk in the dishwasher, rather than the refrigerator.

Getting an Aging Loved One the Help They Need

It can be difficult to make the decision that an aging loved one needs to consider assisted living. While this is true, it is often in their best interest. Be sure to watch for the warning signs of a problem that are described here to help keep a senior happy and healthy.

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