Three Tips for Your First Motorbike Road Trip

For a keen motorcycle enthusiast, that very first ride can be a memorable and exhilarating experience that sparks a lifelong love affair with the road. With the wind blowing in your hair and the sun shining in the distance, riding a motorbike gives you a freedom that no other vehicle can quite compare to. But what can you do to make sure your first ever journey is memorable for all the right reasons? Let’s discover three road trip tips that can help you to prepare for your first motorbike ride.

Plan Your Ride Carefully

Whether you have been itching to get on the road on two wheels all your life, or you have taken up motorcycling as an efficient alternative to driving a car, make sure your first journey is a comfortable one in an area that you are familiar with. Take time to plan out your journey beforehand and aim to venture out during a quiet time of day. GPS can make sure you stay on the right track and can help you to get back on the correct path if you take any wrong turns. Technology can let us down even at the best of times, so it might also be useful to take a map with you too. 

Furthermore, inclement weather can also negatively impact your first ride. Not only can a downpour of rain damage your motorbike, but it can also seriously hamper your visibility. Check the weather forecast ahead of time and pick a still, dry day. Dressing appropriately is also important here; motorcycle gear is not only designed to look great, but it can also protect you from the elements. Always wear fitted clothes for maximum comfort while on your bike too.

Shop Around for The Best Motorbike Insurance Deal 

Before embarking on the motorbike ride of your dreams, it is in your best interests to make sure you have adequate insurance. No one likes to think too much about potentially being involved in an accident, or having their motorbike stolen, but insurance is your first line of defence against loss and damage. The motorbike insurance industry is a competitive market, so when you look for a policy, it pays to compare a few different options.

Different insurers offer different kinds of coverage, so doing your research first is essential. Moreover, applying to get motorbike insurance cover with an insurance intermediary like One Sure Insurance can help you to get the best possible rate. It is also crucial to remember that there are several factors that can impact your insurance premium; your age, your level of experience, and whether you require pillion cover amongst other things. 

Check Over Your Motorbike

Before any ride, it is advisable to consult a pre-journey checklist to make sure your motorbike is safe and legal. As a rider, you are held responsible for any faults, such as worn tyres, faulty lights, or missing registration details. Start by inspecting the vehicle for any oil, water, or fluid leaks and then give the bike a once over with your hands to make sure no parts have vibrated to the point of becoming loose. 

Next, test out your throttle, brake pedal, and clutch lever; they should have a little free play but not too much. Check your chain tension too for any indication of slack or damage. Tyre pressures should also be checked while the motorbike is cold, and any foreign objects must be removed. Finally, for a more thorough inspection, you might want to consider getting your bike serviced. A trip to a mechanic ensures that your bike is running well and reduces the risk of any problems occurring during your trip. 
A biker never forgets their very first ride. Make sure yours goes smoothly by taking adequate time to prepare both yourself and your motorbike for the road. Address any concerns before your journey, and most importantly of all, remember to enjoy your trip safely. Looking for more motorbike safety tips? Check out this guide to staying safe on your bike.

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