SNL’s Brooks Wheelan Made an Awesome ‘Second a Day’ Video

snl brooks wheelan second a day video

Chances are you know very little of Brooks Wheelan, even as an occasional viewer of Saturday Night Live. Recently cast a featured player on Saturday Night Live during their 39th season, Wheelan doesn’t always make it into sketches but the lesser known comedian is no doubt talented. Check out his video below.

2013 from brooks wheelan on Vimeo.

Wheeler had this to say about his indie film debut,

I filmed a second or so from each day last year. My friend, Rory Scovel, made a similar video in 2012 so I copied him. I picked a very lucky year to film. I started it off as an LA stand up comic with an engineering day job, and through a crazy turn of events, I ended it working at Saturday Night Live. This was a very fortunate year.

Side note: if you only film one second out of your day and put it to music, it looks like your day was much cooler than it actually was.

We’re similarly inspired to make a video following this format but it’s safe to say we’re not cut out to be engineers and chances are even worse we get a phone call from Lorne Michaels anytime soon.

Kudos to you, Wheelan. This awesome video makes us all want to see you in more sketches during the second half of SNL’s 39th season.


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