5 Tablescape Ideas for a Spring Brunch

Nothing is more enjoyable than a spring brunch. If you are planning on hosting such a gathering for friends and family, you may find yourself pondering what to do to prepare the table for the event. You likely have at least some questions about what to do in the way of a spring-themed tablescape.

A Floral Tablescape Straight from Your Yard

Sometimes the obvious is the best. As you contemplate a tablescape for a spring brunch, select some flowers from your garden to be the center of your tablescape. You can approach this in any number of different ways, depending on what you have blooming on your property.

On the one hand, you can select all of the different varieties you have in bloom in your garden. On the other hand, you can focus on one type flower, or different types of flowers in one color.

If you aren’t a gardener, or don’t have much in the way of spring blooms, you can ask your guests to each bring a clutch of flowers they might have blooming in their gardens. This type of floral potpourri can be the foundation for an amazing spring brunch table scape.

Think about unconventional ways to display the blooms. Of course, placing them in vases and similar receptacles is completely suitable. This includes silver bouquet holders. On the other hand, by thinking out the floral display box … vase … you can really add a sense of style and originality to your brunch tablescape presentation.

Silver Shines in the Springtime

Silver was just mentioned as part of a floral tablescape. Silver pieces truly are a solid addition to a tablescape that features spring flowers. In addition, silver pieces are perfect for a spring brunch in other ways.

If you are like many people, you may want to add a touch of elegance to your brunch tablescape. Some people gravitate to gold pieces when attempting to make a brunch tablescape look particularly classy.

Gold is wonderful, of course. However, if you are planning a springtime brunch, gold may be a bit too “heavy” — both for the time of day and the season. This particularly is the case if you will be hosting brunch outside on your patio.

You can maintain the same sense of style and class with addition of silver. By using elegant silver pieces at your spring brunch table (again, particularly if dining on the patio), you will have a lighter, more “springtime” look for your tablescape.

Build it Around a Bloody Mary Bar

Many people maintain that brunch is not complete with some type of festive adult libation. The two most favored adult libations are Bloody Marys and Margaritas. You can kill two brunch birds with the toss of one adult libation with this idea.

Consider building your spring brunch tablescape around a “do it yourself” Bloody Mary bar. The fixings for Bloody Marys can be incorporated as part of the tablescape. And, you do not need to overburden the table or make things inconvenient for your guests.

You accomplish this by having what might best and fairly be called “mini Bloody Mary bars” set between each guest. In other words, every could of guests share a mini Bloody Mary preparation station, complete with everything needed to prepare an excellent concoction.

Think small. Don’t include large bottles of anything at each tablescaped location. For example, at each shared do it yourself “station” presented as part of the tablescape, include a bowel containing single serving bottles of vodka (think airlines).

Your guests will be pleased with this tablescape concept. Many are likely to replicate it one their own.

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