Like Tomorrow Never Comes: Learn How to Spice up a Party with These 5 Crazy Tricks

Transitioning from going to bars and nightclubs into a period of your life when a quieter party round somebody’s house or apartment means learning how to throw a good party.

This doesn’t come naturally to everyone. The first time you host, you might run out of food, invite several friend groups that don’t mix well, make the drinks too strong, and spend the whole night trying to host that even you don’t even have a good time.

This is okay. Throwing a fun party where everyone, yourself included, has a good time is a skill that can be learnt, like anything. These are five simple tips to make your party one to remember.

Make Food You Know

Don’t be that person that wants to try a new recipe out in front of twenty of their friends. (Spoiler alert) It ends with everybody waiting hours for their food while you scurry around the kitchen all night. Nobody has fun, especially not you.

Make food you know and love with recipes you know so well you could make them blindfolded. That way, you won’t be concentrating on the food and you can spend time unwinding and chatting with your guests.

Nail the Playlist

Music is the heartbeat of the party. It brings people up at the beginning of the night and can bring people down at the end of the night. The best party playlists are actually two or three playlists, one to be played when people are arriving, one to be played during dinner, and one for after dinner.

Pick a Theme for the Drinks

Deciding what drinks to serve is always a difficult decision when planning a party. Going with a theme takes the decision-making out of serving drinks. For example, if you have an 80s theme, a Freddy Mercury-inspired cocktail (available at be a beautiful detail people will remember.

Preparation is Key

Preparing as much as possible beforehand will allow you to spend as much time as possible with your guests, socializing, making introductions, and facilitating conversation.

If you’re serving cocktails, have the juice squeezed, the limes cut and the ice to hand before the guests arrive. If you can pre-mix the drinks and keep them refrigerated in jugs, even better.

Create a Peak

People remember the best and the worst moment of a night. If there isn’t a best moment, at best people won’t remember anything, and at worst, people will go away only remembering the down point (when someone spilled a drink on their dress, or they got stuck talking to Dave from accounting who talked about spreadsheets for an hour).

Therefore, you need to create a ‘peak’. A positive moment people will remember as the highlight of the party. This doesn’t have to be something huge. It can be something as small as an unusual, fun dessert, like a cake with someone’s face on it, smores, or fondue.

By creating these moments, you ensure that the thing that the most memorable things about your party was a positive moment not a negative moment.

Make your next party a hit with these five easy tips to throwing a party that stays with guests long after they have got in their taxis, paid the babysitters, and consumed their leftover desserts.

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