It’s easy to take your hair for granted. One minute you have it, and the next, it seems, you have thinning sections that are beginning to look obvious. Thankfully, you have options, including hair transplant surgery, to make your hair look thicker again. This surgery, particularly the one done by can give you back your confidence. You’ll feel younger again and will hopefully never take your hair for granted again. Let’s go over some of the basics of hair transplant procedures.

Hair Transplants. What Are They?
Hair transplant surgery is a procedure that takes active hair follicles from one part of your head and transplants them, literally onto another. These procedures have been done since the 1950s, and have a high rate of success. The healthy follicles are used to fill in thinning or balding spots. Once the hair grows back in, it will look natural.

How Does The Procedure Work?
The procedure almost always consists of the same steps. The doctor (you’ll be in his office, by the way), will clean your scalp. He or she will then inject a numbing agent in the back of your scalp so that you can’t feel anything when the follicles are removed. There are two main ways of removing the follicles. These are called follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit strip surgery (FUSS).
The first option, FUE, starts when the surgeon or his assistants shave part of the back of your head. Once this is done, individual follicles are removed. You’ll be left with tiny circles of missing follicles in that area, but won’t have to worry, since your existing hair will cover them nicely.
The second option, FUSS, is quite different. Rather than having individual follicles removed, a six or ten-inch strip of skin is taken from your head. The scalp is then sewn closed. The strip of scalp is divided into a number of tiny grafts. In some cases, as many as 2,000 of these grafts can be obtained from that single strip. Of course, the actual specifics (and which procedure is followed) depend on how big the transplanted area will be and how much remaining hair you have left.
After the follicles are removed or separated out, they are transplanted into the thinning sections of your scalp. Another numbing agent is used, this time in the area where the hairs will go. The surgeon will make a number of tiny slits in your scalp, and then transplant the follicles into them. Overall, this procedure from can take between four and eight hours.
What Happens Afterwards?
Immediately after the transplant, your scalp will be sore. The surgeon will give you some specific instructions to follow in order to ensure that the procedure was a success. Within a few weeks, the transplanted hairs will fall out. Several months later, you’ll see new growth in those areas. Yes, it does take some time for the results to appear, but before you know it, you’ll have hair that you can proud of.
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