5 Necessary Workwear Items for Construction Workers

Construction workers are exposed to serious risks when they are operating machinery on-site. Therefore, they need to protect themselves from hazards by using safe equipment and by wearing proper workwear.

Let’s discuss what construction workers must wear before going for work.

Safety Helmets

Safety helmets absorb shock and help to reduce the severity of a head injury. It is very likely that a tool from the top of a building comes tumbling down all the way to the bottom. If a construction worker is standing without a safety helmet, he might suffer from a severe head injury. In some cases death also occurs due to a head injury.

Most construction workers know the importance of safety helmets. However, many people working on a construction project are not aware of the risks. It is recommended to get a high-quality safety helmet to avoid head injuries and fatality.

If you are looking for a safety helmet or something else to wear to work, you can get it from Workwear Hub.

Eye Protection

Splashed liquids, bright lights, sparks and flying particles can damage your eye. Protecting your eye is equally important as shielding your head.

It is recommended to use lenses which are resistant to mist and scratches. In addition to that, whenever you are working, especially when sparks are flying, you should be wearing high-quality goggles to protect your eyes from any kind of damage.

Ear Protection

Many people don’t take care of protecting their ears from damage which is caused due to high pitched sounds. Loss of hearing might occur due to continuous exposure of 85 decibels per day. The ear protection you use must be able to limit the high sounds and noises.

Constant hammering, or a sharp noise, or the sound of heavy machinery, is painful for the ears. In-ear plugs and in-ear protectors can be used to limit the sound that reaches your ear.

Face Masks

An effective way to protect your face from hazardous substances is by wearing a face mask. These masks are even needed in areas with low oxygen levels. If you are working with sprays and chemicals, then you should definitely have a face mask.

Safety Boots

Safety boots can prevent you from getting a foot injury. There is a lot of debris and waste material on construction sites. Some of this might include glass which can hurt your foot.

If you are a welder on a construction site, then you need to avoid boots with laces. Moreover safety boots should be heat and fire resistant.

If you don’t follow safety measures while working on a construction site, you might get hurt or even die. So you have to wear the above mentioned safety items in order to protect yourself from any injury.

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