Dove Real Beauty Men Edition (NSFW)

dove real beauty men edition

In our never ending quest for the best of the best bathroom humor, we humbly submit the Dove Real Beauty Men Edition. Leave it to a bunch of guys to pervert the very awesome message being conveyed to women with a pair of balls.

For the sake of context, the original Dove Real Beauty Sketches ad features a police sketch artist illustrating women based off their own personal descriptions and followup with an additional sketch based off someone else’s opinion. The point of this is to reveal the ‘real beauty’ behind every woman — or maybe to reveal the person they just interviewed with kind of wants to bang them.

The men’s edition of the Dove Real Beauty ad is strangely touching in the same way. I suppose if you played dramatic piano music to anything it sort of carries a bit more gravity. We’d be willing to test that theory in the future, but for now, we have this.

We really appreciate the job these guys did with this video. It’s almost shot for shot a replica of the source material — quite the impressive job in the editing room. Seeing a bunch of guys stand around pictures of their balls marveling at their real beauty makes for a seriously terrific image. Check out the video below.



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