Elon Musk Proposes Hyperlooop, is Basically a Crazy Genius

Crazy Genius Elon Musk Proposes Hyperlooop

Elon Musk Proposes Hyperloop That Could Redefine Mass Trans …

How would you like to travel from San Francisco to Los Angeles in the span of 30 minutes? Thanks to Elon Musk, pioneer of the Tesla electronic car, that might one day be a possibility.

So how does the Hyperloop work? Essentially using the same electrical technology that powers the Tesla, a high speed train, capable of reaching speeds nearly 700 mph, would run underground and deliver passengers to their destination faster than commercial jets. The lack of air resistance in the specialized tunnels would allow the train to reach previously unrealized speeds.

But don’t start planning your expedited tour of California anytime soon — some experts are already calling the Hyperloop an impossibility. The air friction of a supersonic train would potentially raise heat within the tunnel to the point of damaging the delicate equipment required to make it run.

So is it entirely unrealistic to expect the Hyperloop? We don’t think so! This morning we learned that despite Musk stating he would be too consumed running Tesla Motors, he will actually develop the Hyperloop himself as opposed to releasing the plans for interested parties. Turns out we might be able to take in a Warriors game and see a show at the Hollywood Bowl later that night in the very near future.


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