Her: Spike Jonze Trailer Released


It’s been four years since Spike Jonze released Where The Wild Things Are and movie goers have been salivating for the visionary director to release a new film. Well, cinephiles have something to celebrate now that the trailer for Her has been released.

Starring Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett Johansson Her apparently follows the life of an introvert who downloads an application that provides a companion for lonely men.  It’s kind of like if SIRI didn’t just tell you what the weather was like outside and listened to your problems.

The trailer looks incredible and has Jonze’s trademark cinematography. Jonze cut his teeth early in the 2000’s making music videos and skateboarding videos before he released his first film, the critically acclaimed “Being John Malkovich” and later releasing the incredible Adaptation starring Nic Cage and Meryl Streep. Adaptation gave use this quintessential gif.

Slated for release in late 2013 it looks like Her could garner an Oscar nomination for Phoenix, so long as he doesn’t publicly bash the Academy. Check out the trailer below.


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