When Shopping Stripes….

Everlasting Stripes… that never cease to exist but improvise with changing times…A staple in every man’s wardrobe… stripes is one of the most versatile patterns, that can be adapted to any occasion, time or place.

There’s Friday dressing…and then there is strictly business. Stripes are an all time- favourite. Nonetheless Vitruvien walks you through basic things to remember when buying a custom striped shirt.

  1. Opt for Vertical over Horizontal: Horizontal is always a tough option to choose. We suggest going with the crowds on this one. You can’t go wrong with vertical stripes unless you decide to look like a jailbird. Vertical stripes give you the advantage of height, making you look taller and slimmer. Horizontal is a strict no-no if you’re someone watching your weight.
  2. Narrow over Wide: Rule of thumb, keep it thin. Wide isn’t something you can carry off, and neither  does it come off as stylish. But within thin, there are variants you can choose from. Although the best option is to look at a thickness which is less than an inch.
  3. Colour Matters: It’s very important when wearing a striped shirt, the colour you pair it up with. For instance, if you choose striped shirts with more than one colour, then avoid colours that are contrasting or complementary… such as red/ green or blue/orange. These combinations make you stand out like a sore thumb and are too loud.
  4. Finally, how to wear it: Make sure you wardrobe has a stripe for every occasion. There’s the formal do –grey stripes or steel blue with slim-fitted charcoal/ navy pants. Go extremely business – pair it up with a solid suit … avoid all striped combos. Dress it down with a lovely blue striped shirt tucked into a pair of denims and paired with a blazer/ sports jacket.

Keeping these basic points in mind when shopping for that perfect custom striped shirt makes dressing up a delight even for a man!

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