The Dos and Don’ts of Starting a New Exercise Routine

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast who’s looking for a new challenge, or you’re a novice just trying to improve their health, starting a new exercise routine can be very difficult. Regular exercise requires a serious mental and physical commitment and maintaining positive workout habits over a long period of time is hard no matter who you are. Thankfully, today we’re here to highlight several key dos and don’ts of starting an exercise program. Check them out to ensure you have every opportunity to succeed and reach your wellness objectives: 

Do –– Pair it With a Strong Diet

Trying to “outwork” a poor diet is an exercise in futility. Bad dietary habits will sap you of energy, prevent you from working out at your best, and inhibit your ability to lose weight and build muscle. Remember, your diet is just as important to your health as your exercise habits are. 

Don’t –– Go it Alone

While some people prefer to exercise on their own, research suggests that individuals who work out in a group are more likely to exercise for longer and to enjoy their sessions more. Fitness classes, sports teams, and even jogging partners can all push you to reach new heights when you work out. 

Do –– Speak with a Doctor

At the end of the day, there’s no one better to discuss your health with than your primary care physician. Doctors can give you meaningful advice and information that you can use to enhance your workout routine. Plus, they can diagnose and treat numerous issues that may be slowing you down. And they may even be able to recommend certain specialists to you if you develop a physical problem. For example, doctors may refer patients suffering with bunions to speciality clinics like the Northwest Surgery Center for further assistance. 

Don’t –– Get Discouraged

Sometimes, it can take months –– or years –– for a person to reach their fitness objectives. Even quality workout routines may not produce immediate results. It can be easy to get discouraged or disappointed after a few weeks of little progress. Don’t let a few bad days get you down, though. Sticking to a solid diet and exercise routine on a regular basis will yield positive outcomes in the end. 

Do –– Have Fun!Exercise shouldn’t be a grind! If you hate your workout routine, make changes to it so that you can enjoy it more fully. There are thousands of ways to stay in shape and develop good health habits –– so make sure your fitness program reflects your goals, desires, and preferences!

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