How to Make Construction Sites Safer

Construction is a dangerous job. In fact, being a construction worker is one of the most treacherous professions around. Construction sites can also be dangerous for pedestrians and drivers who are moving through them. If you are in this industry, making projects safer is a highly valuable goal. Here are a few key ways that you can make your construction sites safer.

Use the Right Barriers

The right traffic barriers can make the difference between a vehicle crashing through your construction site, doing significant damage, and being redirected back onto the road safely. Quality Jersey barriers from OTW Safety not only prevent cars from crashing into a construction site, but also redirect cars safely back onto the road with minimal damage to the car, thanks to their unique shape. Using these barriers makes sites safer for your construction workers and also increases safety for passing pedestrians and vehicles.

Loosen Timelines

As construction workers scramble to get everything done in time to meet a tight deadline, they are more likely to cut corners and be less careful. Construction workers may also put in longer hours, which can lead to mental and physical exhaustion that makes accidents more likely. You are likely to find that it costs less in the long term to take on fewer projects and extend timelines for the safety of your workers and construction site.

Hire Great Supervisors

A highly effective supervisor can make all of the difference between a construction site with sloppy safety protocols that lead to problems and a tight ship that results in much greater safety for both crew and people and cars passing by. Good supervisors are fully present, constantly watching everything that goes on in their site.

They are good leaders who hold their crew to a high safety standard and know how to correct mistakes when they see them. They also know when it’s time to let a given construction worker go if they are unwilling or unable to meet safety standards.

Make Your Construction Sites Safer

Construction is, by its nature, a dangerous job. However, you can do a lot to make your construction sites safer for everyone involved. Using the right barriers, being more flexible with timelines, and employing the best possible supervisors can make a huge difference in how safe your construction sites are. It may cost you more to make these changes in the short term, but in the long term, they’ll pay off with fewer costly accidents, higher quality of life for your employees, and a better reputation for your company.

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