Marijuana and Endometriosis: A Holistic Alternative to Pain Meds

One in 10 people who menstruate suffer from a condition called endometriosis. While it’s shockingly common, most people don’t know what it is, or even fully understand it once they learn more about it. Essentially, endometriosis is when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. It can grow into other organs, resulting in scar tissue and, in some extreme cases, damage to the organ itself, or, more regularly, inflammation. This can cause digestive issues, bloating, nausea, vomiting, intense pain (not just during a period), and a general disruption of daily life. While awareness of this condition is becoming more prevalent, many people still lack understanding of what causes endometriosis. It has no cure, and even diagnosis can only be achieved through surgery. This sounds disheartening, but you can find holistic ways of easing the pain of this chronic illness. 

Marijuana: Not just for recreation 

You can find many different options for helping the cramps and other symptoms of endometriosis, including yoga, hot baths, a specialized diet, and pain pills — prescription or over-the-counter. If you’re looking for something a little different, though, or faster-acting without as many side effects, marijuana could be a great help to you. Before seeking out this resource, be sure to research the laws of the state where you live to make sure it’s legal, and what kind of specific forms of marijuana are legal there. For instance, Colorado hemp laws are different from those in California. In some areas, edibles are legal, while in others the only way to use it is by vape with a physician’s prescription. Speak to your doctor about the laws in your area as well as whether this treatment is compatible with your other prescriptions before you start using marijuana. 

Different methods of application

The easiest and most discreet way to use cannabis is with edibles. The marijuana is baked or cooked into something, usually some sort of sweet, and is ready for consumption in small bites. This can be helpful for digestive issues caused by endometriosis, as well as a longer-acting treatment on high pain days. It may take a bit longer to make it through your system than other products, however, so relief could be delayed. 

If you need something on a specific body part, lotions or balms may be your answer. Some people experience pain on their genitals, or have consistent lower back problems. A balm with higher levels of CBD or THC can help to ease the muscle soreness without any mind-altering effects that are commonly associated with the drug. Endometriosis is also the reason some people experience moderate to severe pain with sexual activity, so a lubricant or spray with CBD or THC can revive a person’s relationship and/or libido in general. Along those same lines are bath soaks specially formulated with marijuana. Baths in general are great for most people to relax, and the water can reach and soothe some harder-to-reach places on the body for longer time periods. 

Lastly, the strongest, and in some cases, the most effective way of reaping the benefits of marijuana is by smoking it. Whether it’s through a pipe, a rolled blunt, or a vape, you’ll have to do the opposite of former President Bill Clinton and inhale. You’ll not only experience relief, but if the strain is strong enough, the psychotropic effects as well, which some people enjoy. Keep in mind this way has an odor that comes along with it, and smoking of any kind can damage your teeth and lungs. 

Regardless of your method of choice, marijuana can be a helpful, holistic way to deal with your pain caused by endometriosis.

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