Toddler Carter Eating a Banana Blows Up Internet

Carter toddler eating banana

Late last night, Reddit user Theone211 posted the below picture with the caption, “This is Carter. He knocked on my door to ask if he could have a banana then left.”

Carter toddler eating banana

Naturally, the rest of the internet community had a field day with the picture and went on to post TONS of photoshopped images of the original. Most of them were awful so we went through and found the best of the best. Take a look below!

carter toddler eating a banana


carter toddler eating a banana


carter toddler eating a banana


carter toddler eating a banana


Carter toddler eating a banana



carter toddler eating a banana


Carter toddler eating a banana


Have your own Carter parody? Show us in the comments below! 



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