2018 Game Releases: Expect These Delays

As we enter into 2018, as is the case at the beginning of any year, attention is being paid to the video games that have been slated for release during the coming 12-month time period. The reality is that, as is the case in any year, some of the games that have been scheduled for release in 2018, on already announced dates, may see their release dates pushed back.

If you are an experienced gamer, you undoubtedly have experienced a game you’ve been waiting for have its originally scheduled release date pushed back a month or two. Indeed, there are plenty of examples of games that have launched much further away from their initially planned release dates than a couple of months. In the end, that simply is a reality associated with new game design.

There are a number of games that have been set for specific release dates in 2018. Eight of these selections very well may see their release dates pushed back.

God of War

Sony’s sequel or reboot to God of War currently is scheduled for a Spring 2018 release. As we cross into 2018, the Spring release date for God of War seems unlikely for a number of reasons.

One sign that God of War will not be positioned for a Spring 2018 release is the press, who is already highly interested in this game, hasn’t had any “hands-on” time with it as of yet. That typically is a sign that a release date delay is in the offing.

The best bet at this time as to when you realistically might expect to see the release of God of War is sometime during the third quarter of 2018. Anticipate a tweet or some other type of social media announcement about the delay before the Spring.

Red Dead Redemption II

Red Dead Redemption II has been eagerly awaited. Red Dead Redemption II is the prequel to a highly popular open-world Western from Rockstar that released in 2010.

Red Dead Redemption II has already seen a delay in 2017. During that year, the release was pushed back to the Spring of 2018. Even with this delay, very little of the game has been shown in any manner to the public.

At this juncture, do not expect to see Red Dead Redemption II launched in the Spring of 2018. Expect another push back, likely to the holiday season this year. Indeed, you might even expect the release of Red Dead Redemption II to be delayed into 2019.


Anthem has been in development and construction for years. This is a game that is said to have a massive scope. The stark reality is that massive games like Anthem do not come quickly — ever.

The powers that be behind Anthem have said throughout 2017 that the game would launch in 2018. The window as to when in 2018 the game will be available has been left wide open.

With that said, with the small amount of the game that has been shared with the public, there is a growing consensus among industry watchers that a 2018 launch probably is not in the cards. 2019? Possibly, but not guaranteed.

Crackdown 3

Over the course of the past three years, Crackdown 3 has been under construction. The media finally got a look at the game at E3 2017. The response included some pretty significant criticism. This was particularly targeted at the all-important visuals. In the aftermath of that, the release date was pushed back to 2018.

At this juncture, no specific date has been provided for the launch of Crackdown 3 during 2018. There has been no additional push back in regard to the release date. However, with the significant nature of the items criticized when the game got a media and public look in 2017, a further delay sometime into 2019 certainly is not beyond the realm of possibility.

Days Gone

Bend Studio has had Days Gone in development and construction for more than a couple of years. Days Gone is a PlayStation 4 exclusive. Indeed, the game received positive reception at E3 2016 and E3 2017.

In 2017, Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide President Shuhei Yoshida announced that the game would launch in 2018. However, the announcement was made with very little fanfare, far less than what was expected.

At this point, no specific time has been indicated for a release in 2018. Days Gone may in fact launch this year, but look for it towards the latter part rather than the beginning of 2018.

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