5 Tips for Preventing Water Damage in Your Home

Water damage to a home can be one of the worst things which a homeowner can experience. The process of clearing out small or large damage can be costly, time-consuming, and mentally stressful. In some cases, depending on what part of the home was damaged, the costs for repairs can range from $1,600 to $108,000. Though the insurance industry in 2017 experienced a decline in the frequency for overall claims (as in the case of a fire), water damage claims actually increased. In that year alone, insurance payouts for water damage claims stood at $13 billion.

This type of damage falls into three categories: cleanwater, greywater, and blackwater. Cleanwater damage is floodwater that does not pose an immediate health threat, Greywater includes wastewater that has not been contaminated by fecal matter and blackwater refers to wastewater contaminated with human waste and other pathogens or toxins.

These various types of damage can result from things like burst pipes, frozen plumbing, faulty plumbing, accidental overflow, and even flooding which can cause you to have to go through the process of removing flood water from your home. In most cases, it helps to get ahead of such costly damage by following a few preventative measures. Check out some of these preemptive tips below.

1. Take advantage of trenchless plumbing services.

Maintaining your home with critical and timely self-care is essential as a homeowner. Roof repair, painting the home exterior, lawn care, and cleaning the gutters are all activities that need to be completed to keep a home in the best shape possible. This also includes keeping your water pipes in a good state.

One way that a home can suffer water damage is if the pipes which circulate inside and outside of the home aren’t in the best shape., resulting in a pipe bursting or a crack in a pipe due to corrosion or other damage to the pipe lining. In many cases, it’s best to hire a licensed professional to come out and see what can be done to fix the pipes in advance of possible breakage or fracturing of said pipes. One method which can be utilized to fix pipes involves using trenchless services.

Trenchless services (trenchless sewer line repair or trenchless pipe repair) allows for a noninvasive way to address damaged pipes that have suffered from invasive tree roots or other issues with pipe lining and corrosion, without involving major excavation and time-consuming work. In most cases, the plumbers can make use of trenchless services to make the repairs or replacements necessary with state-of-the-art cameras and advanced plumbing equipment. If you’re looking for a professional, just do an online search for trenchless pipe lining in Atlanta and you’ll find professional plumbers who can use this plumbing method to stop future damage.

2. Clean your gutters.


Keeping gutters clean can help ensure that your home doesn’t experience water damage. If you clean your gutters at least twice a year, this can help to prevent ice dams and avoid blockage. When standing water sits in gutters, this can cause damage to your gutters and roofs. Such unmanaged overflow can create puddles which can also damage your foundation.

3. Investigate and repair leaks ASAP.

When you notice a leak in your ceiling or wallboard, handle it as soon as possible. You can’t continue to ignore moisture damage or keep putting off necessary repairs. What happens in cases like this includes mold, mildew, dry rot, or even structural damage. When leaks like these aren’t taken care of quickly, then this can lead to even more costly home damage down the road.

4. Install water detection devices.


Water detection devices can help to find those low moisture levels or slow leaks which often go unnoticed. These devices will alert homeowners with a small alarm when the installed sensor experiences contact with moisture. It’s best to install these devices near the sources of possible damage such as water heaters, washing machines, dishwashers, sump pumps, and toilets. Taking such action helps to prevent mold growth, spores and extensive damage.

5. Review your water bill.

Water bills can be good indicators of whether water damage is occurring in your home. If you see a dramatic leap in water usage in your home, there’s a good chance that you’re experiencing a pipe bursting or a pipe crack that’s causing a water leak. At this point, it helps to do a bit of investigating around your home to locate a possible source. Another option is to reach out to a plumber and see if they might be able to locate the source of the leak, which might explain the higher than normal water usage.

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