New Bike From Ford Excites Bikers

Ford Bikes

Ford LogoFord has released another prototype model from their electric bike series. The series, complete with three e-bikes, have offered some stunning bikes with awesome features. The newest bike, the Ford MoDe:Flex is the coolest bikes from the series.

The electric bike has an electric motor and battery. The frame has the ability to fold down and can be stored and charged in any new Ford vehicle. It actually looks like an everyday commuter bike, but it really is more than just your average road bike.

Ford Bikes
Courtesy of Ford.

The bike was designed to be used on the road, in the mountains or through the city. It really is a three-in one bike that will save avid bikers from having to have three different types of bikes. The technology offered on this bike is also amazing. The bike can be linked to a Smartphone to keep track of the weather, commute times and any accidents or delays ahead, along with pristine navigation. It is a terrific bike to use for transportation, especially to commute to and from work. Especially because of the no sweat mode featured on the bike. In this mode, the bike boosts the motor when it detects the heart rate going up. This will help to prevent the rider from sweating. Say what? It really is a whole new form of transportation and quite possibly the future of commuting.

The electric bike was created for busy commuters in mind. It is to help them find an easier and cheaper way to go to and from work on a daily basis. The concept could take off and maybe one day you will be finding these bikes at a dealership near you.

Remember, all of the bikes right now are just prototypes, but they could be produced one day, especially since so many people would be interested in riding and buying one. I wonder how much something like this would go for though?

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