The Force Awakens

Star-Wars-force-awakensWhere were you on November 28th, 2014? I for one was sitting in front of my computer perusing facebook when all of the sudden, there it was… the moment I had been waiting for since the announcement of JJ Abrams as the director. The new Star Wars trailer had been released on the internet. For many people, that moment was one of pure giddiness an
d excitement as we began the deep regression to a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away..

As the trailer begins, you are brought back to the world of Luke Skywalker and Han Solo with a cameo of the millennium falcon fighting TIE Fighters, new R2 type droids alight-sabernd the re-emergence of the X-Wing fighter. We see the re-imagination of the light saber and the resurrection of the original storm trooper armor we came to love in the first 3 movies.  The trailer contains everything you would want to see in the first real trailer for the new Stars Wars. JJ Abrams seems to have done a masterful job at awakening the force in his new rendition of George Lucas’ iconic Star Wars Saga.

If the movie is anything like the trailer, Abrams will have done an astounding job at making his movie look and feel like the originals only with updated graphics and effects, oh and of course the original actors Harrison Ford, Carrie Fischer and Mark Hamill will be reprising their roles as Han Solo, Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker for Episode 7! The movie is set to be released Decemeber 18th, 2015 so until then, we will have to continue imagining the unfolding of the epic saga from a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Enjoy!


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